Saturday, March 30, 2013

Web-Rider Spotlight: Solo Rider

 I am the Web Rider Spotlight feature in the next RoadBike magazine!

Web-Rider Spotlight: Solo Rider

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Hobgoblin vs. King Goblin

Last week I tried Wychwood Brewery's  King Goblin Ale for the first time and really enjoyed it.  I am also a fan of Wychwood's other offering of Hobgoblin Ale.  Everyone has asked me how the two compared to each other, since Hobgoblin has been around a bit longer and more people have had a chance to try it.  So I stopped off at a liquor store known to have a respectable selection of beers, and picked up a bottle of each.  Now I'm going to try them side by side, see which reigns over my palate.

Let's get to the facts before I open them up.  Both are packaged in identical 16.9 Fl. oz. (US) bottles, brown in color.  Who knows what might be lurking inside?  Hobgoblin is 5.2% ABV while its sibling King Goblin is a stronger 6.6% ABV.  I paid $3.99 USD for Hobgoblin and $4.49 USD for King Goblin.  Not cheap, but sometimes you get what you pay for.

King Goblin is a special reserve beer, that is only brewed on a full lunar moon. (?)

Pouring them into glasses, I can instantly see the Hobgoblin is darker in color, a very nice dark amber.  It has a dense foam head that laces the glass. King Goblin is a bit lighter in color, and it has more foam, but it's not as thick.  As the head settles Hobgoblin retains some head, King Goblin has mostly dissipated except for a few small thick foamy areas.

Both have a mild malty smell.  Again, King Goblin has a lighter scent.  A hint of chocolate? Neither smell to be strong in alcohol.

Both Goblins have a distinct malt flavor with a nice hop finish.  Here is where the King steps up.  The malt and hops and more balanced.  Milder hops?  Even the slightly higher alcohol content does not affect the King's drinkability.

Both are exceptional brews from Wychwood.  They both have their merits.  You probably want to know which Goblin is better.  They are both so good, I have to call it a draw.  I will seek out and drink these beers again, for sure!  This is one time I'm glad Kevin is NOT here to sample these beers with me.  It's just more Goblin for me to drink!

My rating is high, I'm giving these BOTH a FIVE on Frank and Kevin's Beer Scale of Infinite Drink-ability.

Try one or both today.  If you like English Ales, You won't be sorry.  Now, excuse me.  I have some drinking to do.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Frank's Beer Tasting Birthday Bash

Greetings, fellow beer drinkers! Over the holidays Kevin and I were joined by co-workers Paul and Chris. We each brought in a selection of different beers, and not only did we all try these beers, we rated them!
For a little background, Paul's favorite beer is a Black and Tan , and Chris walked in with his private stash of Sparks, a malt beverage and energy drink. So we should get some interesting feedback when we pop open our first bottle.

Our first brew to sample is Leinenkugel's Fireside Nut Brown. It's a seasonal beer only availalbe Nov.-Dec.
Chris: It has a strong smell, but very light tasting. It really tastes better than it smells!
Paul: At fist sniff I get a bit of a woody scent. The aftertaste is slightly nutty.
Kevin: (As Austin Powers) It's a bit nutty! I think it has a light body, and crisp flavor.
Frank: It's a bit smoky to me, at first. Then I find the nuttiness. It's not a bad taste at all.
Paul: The aftertaste is not bad at all.
Kevin: It's go a bit of a sour tang to it that alot of ales have, but finishes very well, clean. It's like a malt party in my mouth!
Frank: I could drink more of this...
Kevin: Leiny's did a good job on this one. I'd drink it again.
Averaged rating: 2.3

Next to review is 1554, New Belgium's Enlightened Black Ale, at 5.6 ABV.
Paul: The color is dark, but it pours light, it's not a "thick" beer.
Kevin: Yeah, it's dark, but it drinks light...It has very subtle, yet complex flavors.
Frank: It's really easy drinking. The aftertaste lingers but not too bad.
Chris: I don't like the smell, but it's not too shabby. It's not my favorite, but it's decent.
Paul: I can't pick out one particular flavor. The aftertaste is stronger than the initial taste. Again, a nutty flavor.
Kevin: Paul likes the taste of nuts!
Paul: Ha...Ha.
Kevin: Nothing in the flavors stand out making for an indiscriminate yet strong aftertaste on the swallow, but it lingers with a nuttiness through the aftertaste. It has a uniform taste all through the mouth.
Frank: Uh, yeah...what he said. I thought it had hints of spice, too.
Averaged rating: 2.5

Dundee Honey Brown.
Frank: This is a light amber color beer, very smooth and easy to drink. I would drink this about anytime if it's offered, but it does not inspire me.
Chris: Not a bad smell, and it goes down easier than my sister!
Paul: It is light and smooth going down...and that's all I have to say about that.
Kevin: Okay, Forrest. Well, this is definetly a lager, with a weird smell; but the flavor beats the hell out of the smell. Sweeter than most lagers. It's unoffensive, yet forgettable.
Chris: I like the sweet flavor, I could drink this again!
Averaged rating: 2.2

Bison Chocolate Stout 6.1 ABV
Frank: Huh? Oh man, way too much coffee taste. I hate coffee. I resent this beer!
Chris: It has alot of cocoa flavor. Too strong...I'm not a fan of this!
Paul: It's dark and full bodied. Very good cocoa flavor, and a hint of coffee.
Kevin: Yeah, it's very dark and very strong. I think it's crisp, for a stout though.
Paul: I like it!
Kevin: The cocoa and coffee are good, Bison comes through on this one, I like it too!
Average rating: 2 (dissenting votes, 2 like it, 2 hate it)

Breckinridge Christmas Ale
Kevin: This one has a hoppy malty kick, but no bitter aftertaste...and a fruity ale flavor. The first sip seemed very hoppy, but second taste seemed more malty.
Frank: So that makes it a flavor changing ale? It was indeed malty, with medium hops; actually balanced quite well.
Chris: Well, the smell of this one's not unpleasant- it's got a decent flavor and it's fairy smooth.
Paul: Wow thats pretty good coming from you, Chris. Let me try it: Hmm, fruity, like Kevin. It's kinda hoppy, but not overbearing.
Kevin: (ignoring Paul's fruity comment) It does have a clean aftertaste which means virtually none, just a good ale flavor. The malt balances out the hops nicely. Good effort for Breckinridge!
Averaged rating: 2.5

Newcastle Brown Ale 4.7 ABV
Frank: I can't be unbiased with this beer. It's my favorite. Read my review in previous post(s).
Chris: Well, it doesn't stink...but I'm not a huge fan; you won't catch me drinking this too often.
Frank: Woohoo!! More for me!
Paul: I don't know what Chris' problem with this is, it's very smooth, clean, easy drinking beer.
Kevin: Oh Yeah! (mellow tone). Absolutely smooth, no bitterness or funky aftertaste. It has an un-assuming aroma.
Frank: Un-assuming aroma?
Paul: I really enjoy the taste of this. Not much aftertaste which is kinda nice. I very much enjoy drinking this beer.
(Frank quietly hides the remainder of the Newcastle)
Kevin: This beer is top-notch! It blows me away that your average American lager drinker can't palate this stuff. I guess it goes to show the poor judgement and taste of light beer drinkers. OY!
Averaged rating: 4.25

Founder's Breakfast Stout 8.3 ABV
Kevin: I bought this beer because I liked the label. It showed a small child eating a bowl of hot breakfast cereal.
Frank: The label is retro looking, like a Saturday Evening Post cover.
Paul: At 8.3 ABV i doubt some kid's gonna have this for breakfast!
Chris: I'm not gonna have it for breakfast, or at all, for that matter! I took one sip and gagged!
Paul: Woohoo! It smells like a morning cup of coffee! Strong and bitter, too; tastes like strong coffee.
Frank: Yeah, like last month's leftover coffee! It's BLACK. And BITTER.
Kevin: It's not just black, it looks like liquid TAR! Smells like coffee, but not in a bad way...
Chris: Kevin will have to finish this one for me, I can't take it!
Kevin: It tastes like cold coffee, it's good at first, then sours a bit on the tongue.
Frank: I agree with Chris, one taste is enough. I don't like coffee flavor.
Paul: This isn't too bad, hint of chocolate under the heavy coffee taste. I could drink this again. Rate it a 2.
Kevin: I give it a 3, it's a fine strong tasting stout, if that your bag, man!
Averaged rating: 1.3

New Glarus Brewery, Wisconsin, Fat Squirrel Ale
Frank: My step-son David gave me this to sample. It's got a nice, even, foamy head.
Chris: Foam went up my nose!
Paul: It does have a nice head, but it has a dirty, sweaty feet smell!
Kevin: It has nice color and head. Ewww, it does have a wierd smell.
Frank: Rotten fruit smell, perhaps? It has a fruity taste.
Paul: I like the flavor, it's OK once you get past the feet smell.
Chris: Bit of a bitter aftertaste, but overall not bad.
Kevin: It's a clean, even flavored beer. No bad aftertaste. It's an all around good beer, maybe like a fall seasonal brew.
Frank: I agree, I get the same taste experience from start to finish. I detect a slight hint of...apples?
Averaged Rating: 2.75

Blue Moon's Full Moon Winter Ale. 5.6 ABV
Chris: This has a light fresher smell. It's got a good flavor and texture.
Kevin: Texture? What kinda stuff do you drink that has "texture"?
Chris: Well, it's not a Bud Light, but it's decent.
Frank: Shhh! We don't speak it's name here!
Paul: What name?
Kevin: Any tripe from the "A.B. brewing company".
Frank: Exactly. But, I like this beer. Too bad it's seasonal.
Paul: Yeah, it's got a fruity note, and finishes kinda like a lager. Gives me a tingly feeling underneath my tongue that I don't really care for, but over it's pretty good.
Kevin: It's malty, yet light and fruity. Almost makes me think of a weiss beer.
Frank: Rooty tooty fresh and fruity! I kinda like the tingly feeling, but I notice it on the roof of my mouth.
Kevin: Third drink it all smooths out. Not too bad!
Averaged Rating: 2.4

Rogue American Amber Ale
Frank: I read some online reviews of this beer. Apparently gets high marks.
Chris: Not with me. My first taste is my last. (excuses himself to the restroom)
Paul: It's very hoppy, too much for my taste. It looks better than it tastes, nice color.
Kevin: Yeah, nice red color. Smells sweet. WOW!! It's hoppy! Probably too much; not well balanced with the malt.
Frank: Hoppy is right. I'm having trouble keeping my tongue in my mouth.
Paul: I do not care for this beer at all.
Kevin: It finishes clean, a bit fizzy. This is NOT a great beer. Cascade hops overdone.
Frank: I can't drink this crap. Castor oil tastes better!
Averaged rating: 0.5

Rogue Dead Guy Ale
Kevin: Another Rogue beer. Yay (unenthusiastically).
Frank: Thank you Sir, may I have another! (ala Animal House)
Paul: (sip) Total SHIT! Frank, you owe me big time for making me drink this stuff!
Chris: It smells good, but not a great flavor. Overall, I think it SUCKS! Not drinking this again!
Kevin: Its got a nice fruity smell, hoppy too. It hits your gut kinda hard.
Frank: It does hit the gut hard, makes me sick...I think I want to give up drinking!
Kevin: That's pretty bad- a beer so bad you want to quit drinking. Well, this is not my favorite beer, but it's better that a typical domestic "light" beer, though I still have some resentment about it.
Averaged rating: 0.75

Fuel Cafe Chocolate Flavored Stout
Chris: Who farted? Wait, it's the beer. It smell like crap!
Frank: Words cannot describe this "beer". (leaves the room)
Kevin: I don't think it smells too bad, but it does not impress me. Really has a coffee aftertaste, same aftertaste from coffee, that is.
Paul: The smell is...not impressive. But surprisingly, the taste is not bad! Coffee aftertaste. Where's the chocolate?
Chris: Another one I can't drink. Too strong in coffee taste for me, and too bitter.
Kevin: It's kind of a light bodied stout. Bitter, sour tang on the swallow that lasts just a moment before the coffee aftertaste. It's drinkable.
Averaged rating: 1.25

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Left Hand Milk Stout

Chris: It's not bad. It's probably the first stout I could drink.
Frank: Whoa. This has a coffee flavour to it.
Kevin. Exactly. It has a sharp "tang" on the tongue.
Paul: Its mildly sweet, very delightlful.
Chris: It definitely drinkable, but I couldn't drink it all the time.
Kevin: It gives you a sour milk flavour in our mouth.
Frank: Sour breast milk maybe. Anyhoo, I dont like coffee...
Kevin: It ranks a 1.87 average.

Wild Blue Bluebery Lager

Here we are again, with a couple extra drinking buds to review some brews. Of course there's me, Frank; and Kevin. Joining us are Paul and sitting in for Rufus, is Chris.
Frank: This beer is Wild Blue Blueberry Lager.
Kevin: It startled me when I poured it because it looked like Jesus Juice. (wine).
Paul: It smells like Jesus Juice, too.
Chris: First taste I'm pleasantly surprised.
Kevin: It's fizzy and fruity.
Frank: So it's kinda like Paul?
Paul: Nice!
Kevin: It definitely finishes like a Lager...not quite a skunky coating on my toungue.
Frank: Hmm, 8% ABV. High Five!
Paul: It's nice to try but probably not again.
Chris: Well its not Bud Light.
Kevin: Chris doesn't like to drink beer, he just likes to pee a lot.
Frank: Overall not bad, consensus is a 1.625 average rating on our scale.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Stone Brewery: 10th Anniversary IPA

I finally opened the single bottle of the 10th anniversary IPA that I was fortunate enough to get my hands on at my local liquor store. I live in a smallish Indiana town called Terre Haute, pop. around 70,000 or so. Despite the fact that there are 4 colleges and universities in Terre Haute it is your average, "nothin' fancy" Midwestern town. People around here think Killian's Red & Sam Adams are imports. We even have our own brewery (Champaign Velvet -"The beer with the million dollar flavor"). Steeped in tradition and history it may be, it is no Stone.
A few months back I went into my neighborhood liquor store to pick up a couple bottles of Arrogant Bastard (a masterful concoction). To my dismay they were out. I voiced my displeasure to the fellows behind the counter and began to talk to the manager about how good your beer is. He explained to me that one other customer of the store is a vocal Stone Brewery fan and they had been saving one bottle of 10th anniversary IPA in the back for him. He, however, had shown hide nor hair in weeks, and the manager asked if I would be interested in purchasing said bottle. He also mentioned it was one of only two the store acquired and most likely less than 10 bottles were delivered to the area. I didn't hesitate for a moment! I took him up on his generose offer right away.
Just having this wonderful rare bird caged in my fridge was seemingly enough for me. It was as if I had something wonderful that no one else I know, or even those people around me with whom I was not yet acquainted, had or could acquire for themselves. No! It wasn't as if it was actually true! A private stash, a secret horde, a wonderful reserve of nectar from the gods. Needless to say seeing it in the back of the fridge every time I reached for a brew was starting to make my mouth water more and more like a Pavlovian pooch.
I finally came to my senses and realized what was the good in being the richest man in the world if you lived in virtual poverty while sleeping on a gold bullion stuffed mattress every night. I did what any sensible beer loving person would do. I popped the cap and placed it lovingly in the mug with the other noteworthy beer bottle caps, then gently poured the magnificent, dark-golden, hop laden miracle into a large and began to spend my wealth in the best way I could.
This beer was fantastic! I loved how malty it was for an IPA. The malt characteristic seemed to perfectly balance the big hoppyness, and the tall ABV amount was the perfect rounder. Your beers are what brewing and drinking beer is all about. I just wanted to tell you how much your hard work, dedication, and artistry means to this novice beer connoisseur. I will continue to not only enjoy your phenomenal liquid libations, but will continue, by word of mouth, to try to convert all the "fizzy yellow beer drinking wussies" to people who are worthy of a good beer.

Keep up the Astounding Work!,


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Consecrator DoppelBock Beer

I know, I know. It's been awhile since Kevin and I have got together for a beer. So I thought I would rate this one by myself, just to get some more content on here. I picked up this brew, Consecrator DoppelBock, which is made by Bells Brewery at Kalamazoo Brewing Co., Inc. They are not fromKalamazoo, but nearby Comstock, Michigan.

This is a nice, dark brown beer, it pours nicely leaving a thin head. The aroma is kinda hard to explain, it smell like some of my better batches of homebrew...Ooh- first drink is nice and malty, mild hops and full bodied. At little research tells me its 8% ABV but it doesn't taste that strong. I'm liking this stuff, it's going down easy; Kevin's gonna be pissed I didn't let him in on this one.

The more I drink of it, the easier it is to taste the higher alcohol content. But it's not a sharp taste of alcohol, it blends real nice with the malt and the mild hops, just the way it should be. Bell's Brewery has done a fine job on this one, and that means a lot coming from me, since I genereally have low opinions of most American Microbrews.

So here is the news: I am giving this beer a 4 on our scale of 0 - 5.

Its a mighty fine brew, and I'm going to have to get some more of this stuff, and so should you! Cheers!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Bare Knuckle Stout

Anheuser Busch Bare Knuckle Stout

Frank: Welcome to Sonka's Irish Pub, Kevin. Where's Rufus?
Kevin: You know Rufus has been barred from just about every bar in town!
Frank: Hey look, they've got a new stout sampler, let's try it.
Kevin: I'm down with that!
Frank: Hey Sandy, 2 Bare Knuckle Stout Samplers!
Sandy: Here ya go, and you get to keep the glass!
Kevin: Oh cool, it looks like a mini Coca Cola glass.
Frank: But it has a better looking head than Coke, thick and tan.
Kevin: It smells pretty good too, and it has a deep dark colour, with ruby glow when held up to the light.
Frank: The head has a nice taste...oh damn; go on and say it!
Kevin: Frank likes head!!
Frank: Bastard! Anyhoo, I notice it looks more carbonated than some stouts, bubbles sticking to the glass.
Kevin: Yeah, it tastes fizzy. Well, lets see, uhm, yeah, fizzy.
Frank: Waitaminute...did they forget something? It's kinda "thin". It has a nice mild flavor but it lacks 'substance'. MALT! That's it, it doesn't have the malt flavor of a stout!
Kevin: The head tastes better than the body of the beer, like it's watered down. But it is easy to drink.
Frank: This IS an Anheuser Busch product, you know.
Kevin: Kinda like Bud, a light version of real beer, but drinkable. I could drink this beer until the cows come home.
Frank: Me too, but I'd rather have a good beer when the cows do make it home...
Kevin: I do notice the hops come out in the aftertaste. They got the hops just right.
Frank: This isn't a bad beer at all, a good "crossover" for the college kids who wanna look like they are drinking a stout.
Kevin: I'll have to give this a solid 2; I would have ordered another, but they have better beers on tap here.
Frank: I agree, but I'm going out on a limb and say 2 1/2 on our scale, because at least they are trying. It's OK, and, and I'll try it again, but I won't go out of my way to find it. But I'll choose it over Amber Bock any day.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Jefferson Reserve Bourbon Barrel Stout

Kevin: Whatcha got for us this time?
Frank: This is Bluegrass Brewing Co. Jefferson Reserve Bourbon Barrel Stout. The beer dude at Roof Brother's Liquor Store in Paducah, KY said it's worth a try.
Kevin: Oh crap! I've had whiskey barrel beer before and was none to pleased...
Frank: And it's a bit pricey, $4 for a 12 ounce bottle, but that beer dude said it was 10% ABV.
Kevin: 10%! That could be a redeeming quality!
Frank: Well let's see if the drink is as good as the drunk...
Kevin: Enuff talkin', start pourin'!
Frank: It's got a very dark body with a thick brown head. Here's your six ounces.
Kevin: What!! You only have one bottle? Oh well, at least it smells good, sorta chocolatey.
Frank: Hey, what can I do? Not enough people are clicking my banners and ads! We NEED sponsorship!!
Kevin: The first sip is good; a rich caramel malt flavor. I don't notice a strong alcohol bite, though.
Rufus: Hey fellers, I'm home! Whatcha mean malt? Ya gotta malt it first? Is it frozed?
Frank: [Ignores Rufus] It's tingly on the tongue, but it has a smooth nice finish.
Kevin: Agreed. The hops come out and mingle well with the malt flavor.
Rufus: Kinda like a party in yer mouth!
Kevin: Yeah, and everyones coming... [Rufus is oblivious to joke, as usual]
Frank: The hop flavors fade directly after the finish, with little aftertaste.
Kevin: Near the bottom of the glass, I can start tasting the higher alcohol content.
Frank: I can smell the alcohol more after the glass is almost empty.
Kevin: Which is about after the first drink, since we only have ONE!!!
Frank: I wasn't gonna spend sixteen bucks on a 4-pack until I knew if it was any good!
Kevin: Well, it is good. I liked it and would like some more, but I'll have to take out a loan..
Frank: I'm going to rate this a 3.5 on our scale of 0 - 5. I would rate it higher if it were more affordable.
Kevin: Indeed! Definitely a high 3 range. Good Choice, Frank!
Frank: Thanks for the suggestion Roof Brothers, Paducah, KY. Next time you guys can buy!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Wychwood Scarecrow Golden Pale Ale

Wychwood Scarecrow Golden Pale Ale

Frank: I'm not really a fan of Pale Ales. But since this comes from Wychwood, and the fact that Kevin bought it for me, I'll give it a go...
Kevin: The springtime gets me itchin' for tryin' out new beers. As does the summer, autumn, and winter seasons.
Rufus: How come my bottle says Pibst Bloo Rabbon on it?
Frank: Yours is a special beer we bought off Ebay, one of those knock off brews. Go out in the garage and try it out.
Kevin: Just shaddup and drink it Ruf! That sounds like it's right up your alley.
Rufus: Well okay. Y'all ain't gotta be so day-gone mean about it.
Frank: Back to the matter at hand. After the first few drinks I was actually impressed with this beer.
Kevin: It's got a pretty Golden colour just as the name sez.
Frank: The hops weren't as strong as I expected, which suited me fine.
Kevin: Yeah I gotta agree with you on that. Pale ales aren't my fave as everyone who reads this blog knows, but it seems that spring brings an explosion of pales.
Frank: I did take notice of the smooth taste, I like a good ale.
Kevin: Yes, indeed I have drank a couple o' these since writing this review.
Frank: Of course I still personally prefer milder hops and more malt flavor, but I think Scarecrow does it's job as a Pale Ale.
Kevin: Wytchwood has definitely scored with me. This is the second brew, in as many brews, by these brewers that I have enjoyed.
Rufus: Hey, this Pibst Bloo Rabbon tastes like piss!
Frank: It is piss. I had to go really bad earlier and I had an empty bottle.
Rufus: Oh...So you got anymore?
Kevin: AWWWWWW! Rufus you disappoint me! At least the usual stuff you drink has been brewed. Yuck!
Frank: I'm gonna give Wychwood Scarecrow an even 3. It's not my favorite style, but I would drink it again, especially if someone else is buying...
Kevin: 3.5. I thought this was a fine version of a pale ale; even if I don't like pales too much. I would drink another without any hesitation. Especially if someone else was buyin'... Hint hint Frankie.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Samuel Adams White Ale

Samuel Adams White Ale

Frank: I don't know why they call it a "White" Ale, it was a cloudy yellow.
Kevin: Well, the head is white.
Frank: Maybe if you take out the beer, the floaties left over from this unfiltered beer would be white.
Kevin: It's actually a pretty god head, too. And it lasts for the right amount of time.
Frank: Well, anyhoo; I popped the top on Sammy's latest seasonal Ale not knowing what to expect.
Kevin: I bought this cause I was looking out for something new, and it seemed like a nice summery type-a thing.
Frank: I actually was impressed with he first coupla sips; not bad...
Kevin: Me too! It's got a decent hoppy smell and the first taste is crisp.
Frank: Then I started to analyze the flavors- hoo boy! Almost too many flavors!
Kevin: Agreed. The spices are quite an amalgamation. It's as if some one at Sammy Adams' brewery told each employee to pick their favorite spice and chuck it in.
Frank: I could distinguish that this was indeed a wheat beer, but the hops and the spices clashed with each other.
Kevin: It is a fairly good summer brew. It is light and crisp, which is nice to combat the heat. Frank: I've had decent spiced beer before, but the spice is usually more subtle.
Kevin: One thing I will say is that while at first it is crisp both on the first sip and at the tip of the tongue; it does become a bit watery at the back of the palate and as you near the bottom of the glass.
Frank: After I finished it, my stomach didn't feel quite right...the spices made me queasy.
Kevin: No queasyness here. ...What's that?... Yeah, Rufus, Frank is probably just a sissy. (rolls eyes, sheesh)
Frank: I think this would be a pretty good brew if they had toned down the spices a bit.
Kevin: It wasn't too bad I could drink it again, but I won't be buying another six pack either.
Frank: I was hoping to give this beer a better rating, since I am hoping for a chance at Sam Adams Utopia someday, but i gotta be honest. I'm not trying this one again.
Kevin: I'll have to give it a low 2 because I would have another without too much complaint. (And I am a Complainer.) Besides I do need to finish off the sixer. Maybe I'll give one to Rufus for a good laugh.
Frank: It wan't bad, but it wasn't good, either. Hey Mr. Jim Koch! I think you are trying too hard, and making the flavors too complex. I'll give it almost a 2, but not quite. It's a drinkable beer, but not a repeatable choice for me.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Kevin's Favorite: McEwan's Scoth Ale

McEwan's Scotch Ale. Oh!, where to begin? I suppose by letting you know that it is the finest brew to have ever sloshed over my gums. My love of beer, but limited experience, and willingness to try just about anything led me to this masterpiece of brewing excellence. I believe that I just picked up a sixer at my trusty neighborhood liquor store; when I was in the mood to try something new.
I wasn't disappointed. The guys at the Big Red Liquors where I usually shop must think I'm insane. Since the last time I was in I assured the fellow behind the counter that this particular libation was created with me in mind. And I made sure he knew I was serious.
The beer pours a very dark, but clear brown that shows a beautiful ruby colour at the edges when held up to the light. The head isn't very large, but will stay and lace the sides of the glass all the way to the bottom. The aroma is a bit fruity; but I can't decide which one(s). Perhaps fig or a red fruit of some kind. It has just enough effervescence to simulate the pallet. The wonderful malty-ness is a big score for me. It has a touch of caramel with the perfect hop flavor that doesn't over power. I think because it is tamed by the powerful , but not too strong, alcohol content. At 8% it'll do the trick.
I really fell in love with this beer when I was mowing my lawn. This isn't usually my beer of choice to knock back while I'm sweaty and hot, but it was in the fridge. After it sat in the sun and warmed up a bit (it wasn't hot, but not ice cold either) this beauty showed it's true colors. It transforms to an almost wine like beverage, yet it maintains it's wonderful beer identity. I will paraphrase Frank and say that: it isn't fair to rate this one because the scale only goes to 5. I think if McEwan's ever became unavailable in my locale it would justify relocation.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Frank's Favorite: Newcastle Brown Ale

Without a doubt, Newcastle Brown Ale is always my first choice. It's most enjoyable whether I'm at home or out at the pub. It's full flavored and satisfying, yet really smooth and easy to drink. I can say this with some authority, because I can knock back quite a few of these gems.
My first taste of "Broonale" was in Gateshead, England, just outside of Newcastle; at the Seven Stars Pub. I had started out on Newcastle's lighter offering, Newcastle Cask Exhibition Ale; and my darts opponent suggested in his Geordie brogue that I "have a Dog". After getting a translation and a 'Ladies Pint" I was hooked.
Newcastle Brown is more than a beer, it's a celebration of flavor that from the first sips mild-medium hop flavor to it's exquisite and balanced finish. It has been described as having a wine-like flavor, but the best wines don't measure up to my Broonale.
It wouldn't be fair for me to give this fine brew a rating, because our ratings only go to 5.
If I were to be stranded on a desert island, I could only hope to have a cache of Newcastle Brown Ale.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Attention Beer Distributors and Brewers

Would you like to see your Beer reviewed here? If so please send Frank an email.

t.frank.wells (at) gmail (dot) com


Cook's Goldblume Light Beer

Cook's Goldblume Light Beer

(No Facts Available)

Rufus: I like the looks of this beer already...

Frank: Cook's Light...Hmmm. How did I get talked into this one?

Kevin: I just happened to have a few of these pushed off on me by some friends
of mine and I thought Rufus would like to try this one.

Rufus: (SFX of 12 oz aluminum can opening)

Frank: I'm gonna put this in the fridge for now. I don't have the nerve to try it.

Kevin: Aawww, C'mon man it's American made light beer what's not to like.(rolls eyes)

Rufus: (SFX of 12 oz aluminum can opening)

Frank: I think it's best served *ice cold*?

Rufus: (SFX of 12 oz aluminum can opening) [Belch.]

Kevin: Let's see just your basic light beer flavor. Not bad, but far from good. It
reminds me of something My Pop would order in the little neighborhood
hole in the wall he frequents.

Frank: Alright here goes nothing...Hmm. Not as bad as I thought it would be. Kinda flat.

Kevin: Yeah, the can says it's union made. Apparently the union is against

Rufus: (SFX of urinating in bathroom)

Frank: It's...It's, uh, rather, uh bland.

Rufus: (SFX of 12 oz aluminum can opening)

Kevin: The can also says "enjoy real beer flavor". I think that says it all. It's almost
like some kind of liquid that a beer-like flavor was added to. Weird!

Frank: I think it's the most boring tasting beer I've ever tried. Water has more character.

Kevin: I was introduced to this stuff in the back of a van between rock sets when the
venue was being too cheap to provide the booze.

Rufus: (SFX of 12 oz aluminum can opening)

Frank: It's not bad, it's just so goddamn dull. Did they forget to put in the hops?

Kevin: Who can afford hops at $5.69 a case.

Frank: I'm gonna rate it a 2, because it doesn't taste bad, but it doesn't taste good, either.

Kevin: Gotta go with the basic 2. I can hammer down a bunch of these, but the
word's "I'll have a Cook's Light" will most likely never be spoken by me in any
place with the dubious distinction of serving this stuff.

Rufus: (SFX of 12 oz aluminum can opening)

Frank: Cook's Light beer is a lot like having sex in a canoe: It's fucking close to water.

Rufus: (SFX of 12 oz aluminum can opening) (SFX of 12 oz aluminum can opening)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Dirty Bastard Scotch Style Ale

Dirty Bastard Scotch Style Ale

"We brew the beer we want to drink."

Founders flagship beer. Dirty Bastard is an absolute beautiful beer to behold. Dark ruby in color and brewed with ten varieties of imported malts this beer continuously lives up to its reputation as a bold and powerful ale. Dirty Bastard is complex in the finish with hints of smoke and peat paired with a malty richness, finalized with a good bit of hop attitude. This beer “ain’t fer the wee lads”

8.3% ABV
34 IBU’s
Color: Dark ruby Unfiltered
Cellar: 1 year
Availability: Year round
Serving temperature: 42 f
Glassware: English pint

Frank: I want the first word in on this beer, since Kevin is a fan of Scotch Ales, he's gonna be a bit biased. Founders' description is pretty accurate, but I think I need to read between the lines to get my point across.

Kevin: At first sight it is a pretty beer; a nice dark red color. The pour isn't too exciting though, it hardly foams at all and the miniscule head (insert joke own here) disappears quickly.

Frank: Bold and Powerful- They were awful bold in making such a powerful bottle of shite.

Kevin: I've opened and tried three different bottles of this. Every time the first taste is pretty darn good there is a ghost of sweetness, nice and malty, and it finishes with a strong coffee flavor and then a bite of hops.

Frank: Hints of smoke and peat- Someone started a fire in a peat bog...or a cess pool. Phew!

Kevin: It's true I am partial to Scotch Ales. One in particular is my favorite beer of all perhaps the fabled 5 rating, however it is most certainly not this one.

Frank: Scotch Ales (from Scotland) are strong in alcohol and hoppy. But they are drinkable. I took two sips and dumped the rest. To be fair I tried another one later in the week, made sure it was near the temperature that Founders' recommends, took three sips, and dumped the rest.

Kevin: I have also dumped the last of these that I opened. Each successive drink is worst from the last.

Frank: It's a good thing Rufus isn't here to try this one...He'd hit me over the head with the bottle! I could swap lables with a Michelob bottle and videotape him drinking it...That could be America's Funniest Videos material!

Kevin: If this is the Flagship of the Founders armada someone should decommission it and put it in dry dock.

Frank: I rate this beer a 0.75 to a 1. Mostly undrinkable (I did a total of 5 sips) with a whole lot of resentment. I might try and choke down another one sometime after I've had a few decent beers first. Yeah, right...I'll never touch this monkey piss again!

Kevin: I have to give this one a low 1 as well considering the resentment I feel towards Frank for insisting I get him my comments on this one. I can say with certainty that I will never buy a sixer of this swill.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Our Beer Rating System

These ratings are our opinions of the beers we sample.
We accept that there will be some who disagree with our ratings, but not everyone is us.

0 Undrinkable. So poor you can't finish it.

1 Poor Beer that is anything from barely drinkable to drinkable with considerable resentment.

2 Average drinkable beer but doesn't inspire in any way.

3 Good beer in good form. You want have another and may seek out the beer again.

4 Very good Excellent beer.

5 Excellent Probably the best you are ever likely to find. A rare score.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Goose Island Nut Brown Ale

The Facts:
Alcohol by volume: 5.2%
Alcohol by weight: 4.2%
Hop bitterness (IBU): 29 Medium
Color (SRM): 50.0 Chocoalate Brown
Brewed in the English tradition, Nut Brown Ale combines the finest domestic and imported malts to produce a chestnut-hued ale of unusual complexity. Subtle notes of chocolate, honey and fine tobacco give this world champion ale an enjoyable and satisfying "nutty" finish.
(from )

Frank: I believe this beer is also known as Hex Nut Ale, and I tried it a few years back. My first impression this time was it had a sweet taste on tongue.
Kevin: I think it was a more malty taste.
Rufus: I liked it because it had a twist off cap.
Frank: After a few more sips, I noticed the odd taste...
Kevin: I thought it had a tangy, tinny taste; fizzy on the tongue.
Frank: Yeah, sort of. I tried to pick out the flavors Goose Island describes, like the tobacco.
Rufus: I thought I tasted that too, but I think someone used my bottle for an ashtray.
Kevin: What about the aftertaste? I didn't like the aftertaste.
Frank: It was a kinda blah aftertaste.
Rufus: I thought it tasted a bit nutty.
Frank: That's a lousy Fat Bastard imitation! It sounded more like Larry the Cable Guy.
Kevin: So how shall we rate this beer?
Frank: I give it a 2.
Kevin: I think maybe 2 1/2, it's not bad, but I wouldn't recommend it to someone.
Rufus: I had to drink a Pabst Blue Ribbon to get the taste out of my mouth.
Frank: So Goose Island Nut Brown Ale gets a middle of the road rating; not counting Rufus' input. He's a few bottles short of a six-pack.