Monday, April 17, 2006

Wychwood Scarecrow Golden Pale Ale

Wychwood Scarecrow Golden Pale Ale

Frank: I'm not really a fan of Pale Ales. But since this comes from Wychwood, and the fact that Kevin bought it for me, I'll give it a go...
Kevin: The springtime gets me itchin' for tryin' out new beers. As does the summer, autumn, and winter seasons.
Rufus: How come my bottle says Pibst Bloo Rabbon on it?
Frank: Yours is a special beer we bought off Ebay, one of those knock off brews. Go out in the garage and try it out.
Kevin: Just shaddup and drink it Ruf! That sounds like it's right up your alley.
Rufus: Well okay. Y'all ain't gotta be so day-gone mean about it.
Frank: Back to the matter at hand. After the first few drinks I was actually impressed with this beer.
Kevin: It's got a pretty Golden colour just as the name sez.
Frank: The hops weren't as strong as I expected, which suited me fine.
Kevin: Yeah I gotta agree with you on that. Pale ales aren't my fave as everyone who reads this blog knows, but it seems that spring brings an explosion of pales.
Frank: I did take notice of the smooth taste, I like a good ale.
Kevin: Yes, indeed I have drank a couple o' these since writing this review.
Frank: Of course I still personally prefer milder hops and more malt flavor, but I think Scarecrow does it's job as a Pale Ale.
Kevin: Wytchwood has definitely scored with me. This is the second brew, in as many brews, by these brewers that I have enjoyed.
Rufus: Hey, this Pibst Bloo Rabbon tastes like piss!
Frank: It is piss. I had to go really bad earlier and I had an empty bottle.
Rufus: Oh...So you got anymore?
Kevin: AWWWWWW! Rufus you disappoint me! At least the usual stuff you drink has been brewed. Yuck!
Frank: I'm gonna give Wychwood Scarecrow an even 3. It's not my favorite style, but I would drink it again, especially if someone else is buying...
Kevin: 3.5. I thought this was a fine version of a pale ale; even if I don't like pales too much. I would drink another without any hesitation. Especially if someone else was buyin'... Hint hint Frankie.

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