Thursday, March 30, 2006

Samuel Adams White Ale

Samuel Adams White Ale

Frank: I don't know why they call it a "White" Ale, it was a cloudy yellow.
Kevin: Well, the head is white.
Frank: Maybe if you take out the beer, the floaties left over from this unfiltered beer would be white.
Kevin: It's actually a pretty god head, too. And it lasts for the right amount of time.
Frank: Well, anyhoo; I popped the top on Sammy's latest seasonal Ale not knowing what to expect.
Kevin: I bought this cause I was looking out for something new, and it seemed like a nice summery type-a thing.
Frank: I actually was impressed with he first coupla sips; not bad...
Kevin: Me too! It's got a decent hoppy smell and the first taste is crisp.
Frank: Then I started to analyze the flavors- hoo boy! Almost too many flavors!
Kevin: Agreed. The spices are quite an amalgamation. It's as if some one at Sammy Adams' brewery told each employee to pick their favorite spice and chuck it in.
Frank: I could distinguish that this was indeed a wheat beer, but the hops and the spices clashed with each other.
Kevin: It is a fairly good summer brew. It is light and crisp, which is nice to combat the heat. Frank: I've had decent spiced beer before, but the spice is usually more subtle.
Kevin: One thing I will say is that while at first it is crisp both on the first sip and at the tip of the tongue; it does become a bit watery at the back of the palate and as you near the bottom of the glass.
Frank: After I finished it, my stomach didn't feel quite right...the spices made me queasy.
Kevin: No queasyness here. ...What's that?... Yeah, Rufus, Frank is probably just a sissy. (rolls eyes, sheesh)
Frank: I think this would be a pretty good brew if they had toned down the spices a bit.
Kevin: It wasn't too bad I could drink it again, but I won't be buying another six pack either.
Frank: I was hoping to give this beer a better rating, since I am hoping for a chance at Sam Adams Utopia someday, but i gotta be honest. I'm not trying this one again.
Kevin: I'll have to give it a low 2 because I would have another without too much complaint. (And I am a Complainer.) Besides I do need to finish off the sixer. Maybe I'll give one to Rufus for a good laugh.
Frank: It wan't bad, but it wasn't good, either. Hey Mr. Jim Koch! I think you are trying too hard, and making the flavors too complex. I'll give it almost a 2, but not quite. It's a drinkable beer, but not a repeatable choice for me.

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