Saturday, February 11, 2006

Frank's Favorite: Newcastle Brown Ale

Without a doubt, Newcastle Brown Ale is always my first choice. It's most enjoyable whether I'm at home or out at the pub. It's full flavored and satisfying, yet really smooth and easy to drink. I can say this with some authority, because I can knock back quite a few of these gems.
My first taste of "Broonale" was in Gateshead, England, just outside of Newcastle; at the Seven Stars Pub. I had started out on Newcastle's lighter offering, Newcastle Cask Exhibition Ale; and my darts opponent suggested in his Geordie brogue that I "have a Dog". After getting a translation and a 'Ladies Pint" I was hooked.
Newcastle Brown is more than a beer, it's a celebration of flavor that from the first sips mild-medium hop flavor to it's exquisite and balanced finish. It has been described as having a wine-like flavor, but the best wines don't measure up to my Broonale.
It wouldn't be fair for me to give this fine brew a rating, because our ratings only go to 5.
If I were to be stranded on a desert island, I could only hope to have a cache of Newcastle Brown Ale.

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