Friday, May 26, 2006

Bare Knuckle Stout

Anheuser Busch Bare Knuckle Stout

Frank: Welcome to Sonka's Irish Pub, Kevin. Where's Rufus?
Kevin: You know Rufus has been barred from just about every bar in town!
Frank: Hey look, they've got a new stout sampler, let's try it.
Kevin: I'm down with that!
Frank: Hey Sandy, 2 Bare Knuckle Stout Samplers!
Sandy: Here ya go, and you get to keep the glass!
Kevin: Oh cool, it looks like a mini Coca Cola glass.
Frank: But it has a better looking head than Coke, thick and tan.
Kevin: It smells pretty good too, and it has a deep dark colour, with ruby glow when held up to the light.
Frank: The head has a nice taste...oh damn; go on and say it!
Kevin: Frank likes head!!
Frank: Bastard! Anyhoo, I notice it looks more carbonated than some stouts, bubbles sticking to the glass.
Kevin: Yeah, it tastes fizzy. Well, lets see, uhm, yeah, fizzy.
Frank: Waitaminute...did they forget something? It's kinda "thin". It has a nice mild flavor but it lacks 'substance'. MALT! That's it, it doesn't have the malt flavor of a stout!
Kevin: The head tastes better than the body of the beer, like it's watered down. But it is easy to drink.
Frank: This IS an Anheuser Busch product, you know.
Kevin: Kinda like Bud, a light version of real beer, but drinkable. I could drink this beer until the cows come home.
Frank: Me too, but I'd rather have a good beer when the cows do make it home...
Kevin: I do notice the hops come out in the aftertaste. They got the hops just right.
Frank: This isn't a bad beer at all, a good "crossover" for the college kids who wanna look like they are drinking a stout.
Kevin: I'll have to give this a solid 2; I would have ordered another, but they have better beers on tap here.
Frank: I agree, but I'm going out on a limb and say 2 1/2 on our scale, because at least they are trying. It's OK, and, and I'll try it again, but I won't go out of my way to find it. But I'll choose it over Amber Bock any day.

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