Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Goose Island Nut Brown Ale

The Facts:
Alcohol by volume: 5.2%
Alcohol by weight: 4.2%
Hop bitterness (IBU): 29 Medium
Color (SRM): 50.0 Chocoalate Brown
Brewed in the English tradition, Nut Brown Ale combines the finest domestic and imported malts to produce a chestnut-hued ale of unusual complexity. Subtle notes of chocolate, honey and fine tobacco give this world champion ale an enjoyable and satisfying "nutty" finish.
(from )

Frank: I believe this beer is also known as Hex Nut Ale, and I tried it a few years back. My first impression this time was it had a sweet taste on tongue.
Kevin: I think it was a more malty taste.
Rufus: I liked it because it had a twist off cap.
Frank: After a few more sips, I noticed the odd taste...
Kevin: I thought it had a tangy, tinny taste; fizzy on the tongue.
Frank: Yeah, sort of. I tried to pick out the flavors Goose Island describes, like the tobacco.
Rufus: I thought I tasted that too, but I think someone used my bottle for an ashtray.
Kevin: What about the aftertaste? I didn't like the aftertaste.
Frank: It was a kinda blah aftertaste.
Rufus: I thought it tasted a bit nutty.
Frank: That's a lousy Fat Bastard imitation! It sounded more like Larry the Cable Guy.
Kevin: So how shall we rate this beer?
Frank: I give it a 2.
Kevin: I think maybe 2 1/2, it's not bad, but I wouldn't recommend it to someone.
Rufus: I had to drink a Pabst Blue Ribbon to get the taste out of my mouth.
Frank: So Goose Island Nut Brown Ale gets a middle of the road rating; not counting Rufus' input. He's a few bottles short of a six-pack.

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