Monday, March 19, 2007

Stone Brewery: 10th Anniversary IPA

I finally opened the single bottle of the 10th anniversary IPA that I was fortunate enough to get my hands on at my local liquor store. I live in a smallish Indiana town called Terre Haute, pop. around 70,000 or so. Despite the fact that there are 4 colleges and universities in Terre Haute it is your average, "nothin' fancy" Midwestern town. People around here think Killian's Red & Sam Adams are imports. We even have our own brewery (Champaign Velvet -"The beer with the million dollar flavor"). Steeped in tradition and history it may be, it is no Stone.
A few months back I went into my neighborhood liquor store to pick up a couple bottles of Arrogant Bastard (a masterful concoction). To my dismay they were out. I voiced my displeasure to the fellows behind the counter and began to talk to the manager about how good your beer is. He explained to me that one other customer of the store is a vocal Stone Brewery fan and they had been saving one bottle of 10th anniversary IPA in the back for him. He, however, had shown hide nor hair in weeks, and the manager asked if I would be interested in purchasing said bottle. He also mentioned it was one of only two the store acquired and most likely less than 10 bottles were delivered to the area. I didn't hesitate for a moment! I took him up on his generose offer right away.
Just having this wonderful rare bird caged in my fridge was seemingly enough for me. It was as if I had something wonderful that no one else I know, or even those people around me with whom I was not yet acquainted, had or could acquire for themselves. No! It wasn't as if it was actually true! A private stash, a secret horde, a wonderful reserve of nectar from the gods. Needless to say seeing it in the back of the fridge every time I reached for a brew was starting to make my mouth water more and more like a Pavlovian pooch.
I finally came to my senses and realized what was the good in being the richest man in the world if you lived in virtual poverty while sleeping on a gold bullion stuffed mattress every night. I did what any sensible beer loving person would do. I popped the cap and placed it lovingly in the mug with the other noteworthy beer bottle caps, then gently poured the magnificent, dark-golden, hop laden miracle into a large and began to spend my wealth in the best way I could.
This beer was fantastic! I loved how malty it was for an IPA. The malt characteristic seemed to perfectly balance the big hoppyness, and the tall ABV amount was the perfect rounder. Your beers are what brewing and drinking beer is all about. I just wanted to tell you how much your hard work, dedication, and artistry means to this novice beer connoisseur. I will continue to not only enjoy your phenomenal liquid libations, but will continue, by word of mouth, to try to convert all the "fizzy yellow beer drinking wussies" to people who are worthy of a good beer.

Keep up the Astounding Work!,


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