Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Dirty Bastard Scotch Style Ale

Dirty Bastard Scotch Style Ale

"We brew the beer we want to drink."

Founders flagship beer. Dirty Bastard is an absolute beautiful beer to behold. Dark ruby in color and brewed with ten varieties of imported malts this beer continuously lives up to its reputation as a bold and powerful ale. Dirty Bastard is complex in the finish with hints of smoke and peat paired with a malty richness, finalized with a good bit of hop attitude. This beer “ain’t fer the wee lads”

8.3% ABV
34 IBU’s
Color: Dark ruby Unfiltered
Cellar: 1 year
Availability: Year round
Serving temperature: 42 f
Glassware: English pint

Frank: I want the first word in on this beer, since Kevin is a fan of Scotch Ales, he's gonna be a bit biased. Founders' description is pretty accurate, but I think I need to read between the lines to get my point across.

Kevin: At first sight it is a pretty beer; a nice dark red color. The pour isn't too exciting though, it hardly foams at all and the miniscule head (insert joke own here) disappears quickly.

Frank: Bold and Powerful- They were awful bold in making such a powerful bottle of shite.

Kevin: I've opened and tried three different bottles of this. Every time the first taste is pretty darn good there is a ghost of sweetness, nice and malty, and it finishes with a strong coffee flavor and then a bite of hops.

Frank: Hints of smoke and peat- Someone started a fire in a peat bog...or a cess pool. Phew!

Kevin: It's true I am partial to Scotch Ales. One in particular is my favorite beer of all perhaps the fabled 5 rating, however it is most certainly not this one.

Frank: Scotch Ales (from Scotland) are strong in alcohol and hoppy. But they are drinkable. I took two sips and dumped the rest. To be fair I tried another one later in the week, made sure it was near the temperature that Founders' recommends, took three sips, and dumped the rest.

Kevin: I have also dumped the last of these that I opened. Each successive drink is worst from the last.

Frank: It's a good thing Rufus isn't here to try this one...He'd hit me over the head with the bottle! I could swap lables with a Michelob bottle and videotape him drinking it...That could be America's Funniest Videos material!

Kevin: If this is the Flagship of the Founders armada someone should decommission it and put it in dry dock.

Frank: I rate this beer a 0.75 to a 1. Mostly undrinkable (I did a total of 5 sips) with a whole lot of resentment. I might try and choke down another one sometime after I've had a few decent beers first. Yeah, right...I'll never touch this monkey piss again!

Kevin: I have to give this one a low 1 as well considering the resentment I feel towards Frank for insisting I get him my comments on this one. I can say with certainty that I will never buy a sixer of this swill.

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