Sunday, August 06, 2006

Consecrator DoppelBock Beer

I know, I know. It's been awhile since Kevin and I have got together for a beer. So I thought I would rate this one by myself, just to get some more content on here. I picked up this brew, Consecrator DoppelBock, which is made by Bells Brewery at Kalamazoo Brewing Co., Inc. They are not fromKalamazoo, but nearby Comstock, Michigan.

This is a nice, dark brown beer, it pours nicely leaving a thin head. The aroma is kinda hard to explain, it smell like some of my better batches of homebrew...Ooh- first drink is nice and malty, mild hops and full bodied. At little research tells me its 8% ABV but it doesn't taste that strong. I'm liking this stuff, it's going down easy; Kevin's gonna be pissed I didn't let him in on this one.

The more I drink of it, the easier it is to taste the higher alcohol content. But it's not a sharp taste of alcohol, it blends real nice with the malt and the mild hops, just the way it should be. Bell's Brewery has done a fine job on this one, and that means a lot coming from me, since I genereally have low opinions of most American Microbrews.

So here is the news: I am giving this beer a 4 on our scale of 0 - 5.

Its a mighty fine brew, and I'm going to have to get some more of this stuff, and so should you! Cheers!

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