Monday, January 19, 2009

Frank's Beer Tasting Birthday Bash

Greetings, fellow beer drinkers! Over the holidays Kevin and I were joined by co-workers Paul and Chris. We each brought in a selection of different beers, and not only did we all try these beers, we rated them!
For a little background, Paul's favorite beer is a Black and Tan , and Chris walked in with his private stash of Sparks, a malt beverage and energy drink. So we should get some interesting feedback when we pop open our first bottle.

Our first brew to sample is Leinenkugel's Fireside Nut Brown. It's a seasonal beer only availalbe Nov.-Dec.
Chris: It has a strong smell, but very light tasting. It really tastes better than it smells!
Paul: At fist sniff I get a bit of a woody scent. The aftertaste is slightly nutty.
Kevin: (As Austin Powers) It's a bit nutty! I think it has a light body, and crisp flavor.
Frank: It's a bit smoky to me, at first. Then I find the nuttiness. It's not a bad taste at all.
Paul: The aftertaste is not bad at all.
Kevin: It's go a bit of a sour tang to it that alot of ales have, but finishes very well, clean. It's like a malt party in my mouth!
Frank: I could drink more of this...
Kevin: Leiny's did a good job on this one. I'd drink it again.
Averaged rating: 2.3

Next to review is 1554, New Belgium's Enlightened Black Ale, at 5.6 ABV.
Paul: The color is dark, but it pours light, it's not a "thick" beer.
Kevin: Yeah, it's dark, but it drinks light...It has very subtle, yet complex flavors.
Frank: It's really easy drinking. The aftertaste lingers but not too bad.
Chris: I don't like the smell, but it's not too shabby. It's not my favorite, but it's decent.
Paul: I can't pick out one particular flavor. The aftertaste is stronger than the initial taste. Again, a nutty flavor.
Kevin: Paul likes the taste of nuts!
Paul: Ha...Ha.
Kevin: Nothing in the flavors stand out making for an indiscriminate yet strong aftertaste on the swallow, but it lingers with a nuttiness through the aftertaste. It has a uniform taste all through the mouth.
Frank: Uh, yeah...what he said. I thought it had hints of spice, too.
Averaged rating: 2.5

Dundee Honey Brown.
Frank: This is a light amber color beer, very smooth and easy to drink. I would drink this about anytime if it's offered, but it does not inspire me.
Chris: Not a bad smell, and it goes down easier than my sister!
Paul: It is light and smooth going down...and that's all I have to say about that.
Kevin: Okay, Forrest. Well, this is definetly a lager, with a weird smell; but the flavor beats the hell out of the smell. Sweeter than most lagers. It's unoffensive, yet forgettable.
Chris: I like the sweet flavor, I could drink this again!
Averaged rating: 2.2

Bison Chocolate Stout 6.1 ABV
Frank: Huh? Oh man, way too much coffee taste. I hate coffee. I resent this beer!
Chris: It has alot of cocoa flavor. Too strong...I'm not a fan of this!
Paul: It's dark and full bodied. Very good cocoa flavor, and a hint of coffee.
Kevin: Yeah, it's very dark and very strong. I think it's crisp, for a stout though.
Paul: I like it!
Kevin: The cocoa and coffee are good, Bison comes through on this one, I like it too!
Average rating: 2 (dissenting votes, 2 like it, 2 hate it)

Breckinridge Christmas Ale
Kevin: This one has a hoppy malty kick, but no bitter aftertaste...and a fruity ale flavor. The first sip seemed very hoppy, but second taste seemed more malty.
Frank: So that makes it a flavor changing ale? It was indeed malty, with medium hops; actually balanced quite well.
Chris: Well, the smell of this one's not unpleasant- it's got a decent flavor and it's fairy smooth.
Paul: Wow thats pretty good coming from you, Chris. Let me try it: Hmm, fruity, like Kevin. It's kinda hoppy, but not overbearing.
Kevin: (ignoring Paul's fruity comment) It does have a clean aftertaste which means virtually none, just a good ale flavor. The malt balances out the hops nicely. Good effort for Breckinridge!
Averaged rating: 2.5

Newcastle Brown Ale 4.7 ABV
Frank: I can't be unbiased with this beer. It's my favorite. Read my review in previous post(s).
Chris: Well, it doesn't stink...but I'm not a huge fan; you won't catch me drinking this too often.
Frank: Woohoo!! More for me!
Paul: I don't know what Chris' problem with this is, it's very smooth, clean, easy drinking beer.
Kevin: Oh Yeah! (mellow tone). Absolutely smooth, no bitterness or funky aftertaste. It has an un-assuming aroma.
Frank: Un-assuming aroma?
Paul: I really enjoy the taste of this. Not much aftertaste which is kinda nice. I very much enjoy drinking this beer.
(Frank quietly hides the remainder of the Newcastle)
Kevin: This beer is top-notch! It blows me away that your average American lager drinker can't palate this stuff. I guess it goes to show the poor judgement and taste of light beer drinkers. OY!
Averaged rating: 4.25

Founder's Breakfast Stout 8.3 ABV
Kevin: I bought this beer because I liked the label. It showed a small child eating a bowl of hot breakfast cereal.
Frank: The label is retro looking, like a Saturday Evening Post cover.
Paul: At 8.3 ABV i doubt some kid's gonna have this for breakfast!
Chris: I'm not gonna have it for breakfast, or at all, for that matter! I took one sip and gagged!
Paul: Woohoo! It smells like a morning cup of coffee! Strong and bitter, too; tastes like strong coffee.
Frank: Yeah, like last month's leftover coffee! It's BLACK. And BITTER.
Kevin: It's not just black, it looks like liquid TAR! Smells like coffee, but not in a bad way...
Chris: Kevin will have to finish this one for me, I can't take it!
Kevin: It tastes like cold coffee, it's good at first, then sours a bit on the tongue.
Frank: I agree with Chris, one taste is enough. I don't like coffee flavor.
Paul: This isn't too bad, hint of chocolate under the heavy coffee taste. I could drink this again. Rate it a 2.
Kevin: I give it a 3, it's a fine strong tasting stout, if that your bag, man!
Averaged rating: 1.3

New Glarus Brewery, Wisconsin, Fat Squirrel Ale
Frank: My step-son David gave me this to sample. It's got a nice, even, foamy head.
Chris: Foam went up my nose!
Paul: It does have a nice head, but it has a dirty, sweaty feet smell!
Kevin: It has nice color and head. Ewww, it does have a wierd smell.
Frank: Rotten fruit smell, perhaps? It has a fruity taste.
Paul: I like the flavor, it's OK once you get past the feet smell.
Chris: Bit of a bitter aftertaste, but overall not bad.
Kevin: It's a clean, even flavored beer. No bad aftertaste. It's an all around good beer, maybe like a fall seasonal brew.
Frank: I agree, I get the same taste experience from start to finish. I detect a slight hint of...apples?
Averaged Rating: 2.75

Blue Moon's Full Moon Winter Ale. 5.6 ABV
Chris: This has a light fresher smell. It's got a good flavor and texture.
Kevin: Texture? What kinda stuff do you drink that has "texture"?
Chris: Well, it's not a Bud Light, but it's decent.
Frank: Shhh! We don't speak it's name here!
Paul: What name?
Kevin: Any tripe from the "A.B. brewing company".
Frank: Exactly. But, I like this beer. Too bad it's seasonal.
Paul: Yeah, it's got a fruity note, and finishes kinda like a lager. Gives me a tingly feeling underneath my tongue that I don't really care for, but over it's pretty good.
Kevin: It's malty, yet light and fruity. Almost makes me think of a weiss beer.
Frank: Rooty tooty fresh and fruity! I kinda like the tingly feeling, but I notice it on the roof of my mouth.
Kevin: Third drink it all smooths out. Not too bad!
Averaged Rating: 2.4

Rogue American Amber Ale
Frank: I read some online reviews of this beer. Apparently gets high marks.
Chris: Not with me. My first taste is my last. (excuses himself to the restroom)
Paul: It's very hoppy, too much for my taste. It looks better than it tastes, nice color.
Kevin: Yeah, nice red color. Smells sweet. WOW!! It's hoppy! Probably too much; not well balanced with the malt.
Frank: Hoppy is right. I'm having trouble keeping my tongue in my mouth.
Paul: I do not care for this beer at all.
Kevin: It finishes clean, a bit fizzy. This is NOT a great beer. Cascade hops overdone.
Frank: I can't drink this crap. Castor oil tastes better!
Averaged rating: 0.5

Rogue Dead Guy Ale
Kevin: Another Rogue beer. Yay (unenthusiastically).
Frank: Thank you Sir, may I have another! (ala Animal House)
Paul: (sip) Total SHIT! Frank, you owe me big time for making me drink this stuff!
Chris: It smells good, but not a great flavor. Overall, I think it SUCKS! Not drinking this again!
Kevin: Its got a nice fruity smell, hoppy too. It hits your gut kinda hard.
Frank: It does hit the gut hard, makes me sick...I think I want to give up drinking!
Kevin: That's pretty bad- a beer so bad you want to quit drinking. Well, this is not my favorite beer, but it's better that a typical domestic "light" beer, though I still have some resentment about it.
Averaged rating: 0.75

Fuel Cafe Chocolate Flavored Stout
Chris: Who farted? Wait, it's the beer. It smell like crap!
Frank: Words cannot describe this "beer". (leaves the room)
Kevin: I don't think it smells too bad, but it does not impress me. Really has a coffee aftertaste, same aftertaste from coffee, that is.
Paul: The smell is...not impressive. But surprisingly, the taste is not bad! Coffee aftertaste. Where's the chocolate?
Chris: Another one I can't drink. Too strong in coffee taste for me, and too bitter.
Kevin: It's kind of a light bodied stout. Bitter, sour tang on the swallow that lasts just a moment before the coffee aftertaste. It's drinkable.
Averaged rating: 1.25

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