Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Kevin's Favorite: McEwan's Scoth Ale

McEwan's Scotch Ale. Oh!, where to begin? I suppose by letting you know that it is the finest brew to have ever sloshed over my gums. My love of beer, but limited experience, and willingness to try just about anything led me to this masterpiece of brewing excellence. I believe that I just picked up a sixer at my trusty neighborhood liquor store; when I was in the mood to try something new.
I wasn't disappointed. The guys at the Big Red Liquors where I usually shop must think I'm insane. Since the last time I was in I assured the fellow behind the counter that this particular libation was created with me in mind. And I made sure he knew I was serious.
The beer pours a very dark, but clear brown that shows a beautiful ruby colour at the edges when held up to the light. The head isn't very large, but will stay and lace the sides of the glass all the way to the bottom. The aroma is a bit fruity; but I can't decide which one(s). Perhaps fig or a red fruit of some kind. It has just enough effervescence to simulate the pallet. The wonderful malty-ness is a big score for me. It has a touch of caramel with the perfect hop flavor that doesn't over power. I think because it is tamed by the powerful , but not too strong, alcohol content. At 8% it'll do the trick.
I really fell in love with this beer when I was mowing my lawn. This isn't usually my beer of choice to knock back while I'm sweaty and hot, but it was in the fridge. After it sat in the sun and warmed up a bit (it wasn't hot, but not ice cold either) this beauty showed it's true colors. It transforms to an almost wine like beverage, yet it maintains it's wonderful beer identity. I will paraphrase Frank and say that: it isn't fair to rate this one because the scale only goes to 5. I think if McEwan's ever became unavailable in my locale it would justify relocation.

1 comment:

Frank said...

I once turned down a job interview because there was no place to get any good beer there...